Connecting Families with Services 

Sac Family Connect’s family support services are part of a family-centered system of care where collaboration is the key. Agencies work collaboratively to ensure that families are not overwhelmed with duplicative services, yet still have a choice in the services that they access. Providing families with the referrals that are right for them leads to better retention, stronger family engagement, and better outcomes.

The Sac Family Connect website serves as a central hub of resources to help individuals and families access the best services for their unique situations and needs. The carefully curated resources are designed to streamline the referral process and make it easier for service providers to navigate through the myriad of available options and quickly refer families to the organizations and services that can provide the most value. Following the simple steps below, service providers are empowered to make informed decisions that ultimately lead to better outcomes for Sacramento County families in need.

Step 1: Learn Why Collaboration Is Important

Home Visiting is an essential support service for families with young children. Since Sacramento County offers a variety of home-visiting programs, including specialized programs for specific populations, it is important for service providers to understand the variety of programs and services available, the requirements and limitations of each program, and how to identify what programs are ideal for individual needs to help guide the referral process and best support families. We believe that cross-agency collaboration is key to a family-centered system of care.

Step 2: How to Use the Decision Tree for Home Visiting Programs

The Decision Tree for Sacramento Home Visiting Programs is a tool created to help service providers refer families to the home visiting program that is most specialized for their situation. Following the decision tree flow chart, the goal is to refer to the family to a “red diamond” in addition to any additional services they qualify for. Watch the tutorial video for an overview of how to use the decision tree and download the decision tree resource below.

Step 3: Practice Referring Families to Home Visiting Programs

Practice makes perfect, which is why practice scenarios are available to help you hone your skills on what available home visiting programs will best meet the needs of Sacramento County families. With the Decision Tree Resource in hand, practice your referral making skills on the proposed scenarios and learn how you can serve families more effectively. Don’t forget to end your referral with a warm handoff, providing families with a smoother and better supported referral process.

Step 4: Become an Advocate and Share Sac Family Connect with Others

Sac Family Connect is for all of us. The more that service providers know about it, the more families will receive appropriate referrals. Help us spread the word and share Sac Family Connect with your networks. The work is already done for you in this presentation

Step 5: Discover Sac Family Connect Partners and Services

Sac Family Connect partners with organizations throughout Sacramento County and works together collaboratively to connect families with family support resources that best meet their unique needs.  Sac Family Connect partners offer a wide range of benefits that can help individuals and their family. Learn more about Sac Family Connect partners, their services and how they can help Sacramento County families.